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July 2024

Recording Policy and Guidelines

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.


in July 2024, this chapter was revised in line with the updated Working Together to Safeguard Children published in December 2023.

Contacts and Referrals

This chapter was revised and updated in line with the latest version of Working Together to Safeguard Children published in July 2024.

Aftercare under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983

This chapter was revised in July 2024, the information relating to after-care arrangements has been extensively reviewed.

Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

In July 2024, Section 15, Resolving Disagreements was updated to include information on Guidance: Carry Out an Order in Special Educational Needs Cases.

Kinship Care

This chapter was updated in July 2024 to reflect Championing Kinship Care: The National Kinship Care strategy.

Child Protection Enquiries (Section 47)

In July 2024, this chapter was updated in line with the revised Working Together to Safeguard Children published in December 2023.

Care and Supervision Proceedings and the Public Law Outline

In July 2024, information was added in relation to family group decision-making in Sections 1, Introduction and Time Limits, and Section 5, Pre-Proceedings, and also a link added to chapter Family Networks and Family Group Decision Making.

Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery

In July 2024, a link was added in Section 4, Age Assessment to BASW Age Assessment Practice Guidance. In Further Information, a link was added to Operation Innerste Process: Caseworker Guidance.

Death or Serious Injury to a Child (Looked After, Child in Need or Care Leaver Up to and Including the Age of 24)

This chapter was added to the manual in July 2024 and replaces the previous chapter entitled Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood (SUDIC) Policy and Procedure.

Placements in Secure Accommodation on Welfare Grounds

In July 2024, Section 10, Use of Inherent Jurisdiction to Authorise a Placement Involving a Deprivation of Liberty was updated throughout in line with Revised Practice Guidance on the Court’s Approach to Unregistered Placements (October 2023) and Revised National Listing Protocol for Applications that Seek Deprivation of Liberty Orders Relating to Children under the Inherent Jurisdiction.

Children Involved in the Youth Justice System: Additional National Guidance

In July 2024, this chapter was updated and new links were added.

Assessment and Approvals of Foster Carers

In July 2024, information on Ofsted checks was added in to Section 5.1, Checks.

Supporting the Education and Promoting the Achievement of Children with a Social Worker, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

In July 2024, this chapter was revised in response to Working Together to Safeguard Children (December 2023), and includes the ongoing development of the strategic leadership roles of Virtual School Heads (VSH) in promoting educational outcomes for children aged 0 to 18 who have, or previously had a social worker, and children in kinship care arrangements.

Social Visits (Including Overnight Stays)

This procedure was adopted in July 2024 and replaces one entitled ‘Overnight Stays Policy Cared for Children and Fostering Services’.

Placements with Connected Persons

This chapter was revised throughout in July 2024.

Staying Put

This chapter was updated in July 2024 to note that if a young person in a Staying Put arrangement dies up to and including the age of 24, notifications should be made in accordance with the procedure on Death or Serious Injury to a Child (Looked After, Child in Need or Care Leaver Up to and Including the Age of 24).

Notifications of Significant Events

In July 2024, this chapter replaced one entitled Serious Incident Case Notification Policy and Procedure.

Applications for Special Guardianship Orders

This chapter was updated in July 2024. Information was added into Section 17, Special Guardian Duty on the Death of the Child, that the relevant local authority should be notified if the child was previously a looked after child.

List of Agency Decision Makers, Designated Managers and Nominated Officers

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

January 2024

Placing and Visiting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or Health Conditions in Long-Term Residential Settings

In January 2024, this chapter was updated to include information from the UK Social Work Practice in Safeguarding Disabled Children and Young People report.

Families with No Recourse to Public Funds

Section 5.2.5, Providing Support was updated in January 2024 to reflect the Home Office increase in financial support to individuals waiting to find out if they will be given asylum in the UK.

Supporting the Education and Promoting the Achievement of Children with a Social Worker, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

In January 2024, this chapter replaced one entitled "Education of Children with a Social Worker, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children". The content was revised throughout and it emphasises the role of all professionals in supporting Looked After Children in their education.

Ofsted Inspection Framework

This chapter was added in January 2024.

Care and Supervision Proceedings and the Public Law Outline

In January 2024, information was added into Section 4, Care Orders and Supervisions Orders on a Care Plan of the Child Remaining at Home in relation to Supervision Orders, in line with Public Law Working Group (PLWG) Recommendations to Achieve Best Practice in the Child Protection and Family Justice Systems:  Supervision Orders. Section 8, Court Hearings was updated in line with A View From the President’s Chambers: Relaunching the PLO (November 2022) and that section should be re-read.

In Related Guidance, a link was added to Pre-proceedings and Family Justice Hub (Research in Practice).

Aftercare under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983

This chapter was amended in January 2024 to include a link to Self-harm: Assessment, Management and Preventing Recurrence NICE Guidance in Further Information. Section 2, Ordinary Residence was updated in line with case law.

Placements in Other Arrangements

In January 2024, this chapter was updated to reflect supported accommodation for 16/17-year-olds coming regulated by Ofsted.

Kinship Care

Section 4, Different Situations whereby Children may be Living with Family and Friend Carers was updated in January 2024 to include information about Ukrainian children being cared for by family and friends in the UK.

Family Time Policy (Contact with Parents/Adults and Siblings)

This policy was added in January 2024. It sets out how Cheshire East Children's Services will promote and facilitate Family Time (contact) between children and their families who are in court proceedings or who are Cared for by the Local Authority.

Positive Relationships and Behaviour Management

This chapter was amended in January 2024 to incorporate Ofsted feedback. Additional information was also added into Section 2, Positive Behaviour Support and Section 5.4, Recording of Sanctions.

Capacity and Consent

In January 2024, amendments were made to reflect case-law in relation to assessing legal capacity.

Leaving Care and Transition

This chapter was amended in January 2024 to note that with effect from 1 April 2023, the leaving care allowance increased from £2,000 to £3,000. It was also revised to include information from the revised Ofsted inspection framework.

Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation

In January 2024, this chapter was amended to include information from Annex to MOJ Circular 2022/03: Additional Information on Remand to Local Authority Accommodation (RLAA).

Applications for Special Guardianship Orders

In January 2024, this chapter was updated to reflect the updated Public Law Working Group Best Practice Guidance. This includes the new interim guidance, issued by the President of the Family Division, that addresses the lawful extension of care proceedings beyond 26 weeks. Section 6.3, Placement before a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) is Granted was added in line with guidance that states where there is no pre-existing relationship between the child and special guardians the child should be placed on an interim basis before the special guardianship order is made.

Health and Safety

In January 2024, information was added about online safety. Information in relation to allergies was added into Section 6, Diet, Nutrition and Allergies.

Placements in Residential Care

In January 2024, this chapter was updated to include information from Guidance - Placing Children: Deprivation of Liberty Orders - guidance for providers, social workers and placement commissioners on placing children, subject to a deprivation of liberty order (DoL), in unregistered settings and President of the Family Division Practice Guidance: Placements in Unregistered Children’s Homes in England or Unregistered Care Home Services in Wales.

Allegations Against Foster Carers

In January 2024, this chapter was amended in line with revised Keeping Children Safe in Education. A new Section 2, The Difference Between an Allegation and a Concern was also added.

Decision to Look After

Section 3, Section 20 Accommodation was updated in January 2024 in line with case-law.

Placements in Secure Accommodation on Welfare Grounds

Section 10, Use of Inherent Jurisdiction to Authorise a Placement Involving a Deprivation of Liberty was updated in January 2024 to include information from Guidance - Placing Children: Deprivation of Liberty Orders - guidance for providers, social workers and placement commissioners on placing children, subject to a deprivation of liberty order (DoL), in unregistered settings and President of the Family Division Practice Guidance: Placements in Unregistered Children’s Homes in England or Unregistered Care Home Services in Wales.

Early Permanence: Fostering for Adoption, Concurrent Planning and Temporary Approval as Foster Carers of Approved Prospective Adopters

In January 2024, this chapter was refreshed and a link was added to 'National Early Permanence Practice Standards (Coram Centre for Early Permanence)'. 

Marriage/Civil Partnership of a Looked After Child

This chapter was amended in January 2024 to reflect that the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 raised the age of marriage and civil partnership to 18 in England and Wales, with effect from 26 February 2023. 

Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

In January 2024, this chapter was updated to include information from Guidance: Area SEND Inspections Framework and Handbook (November 2022). Information in relation to legal aid for foster carers and prospective adoptive parents in First Tier Tribunal appeals was added into Section 15, Resolving Disagreements. Information from Special Educational Needs and Disability: Improving Local Authority Decision Making - Report of the Administrative Justice Council’s Working Group on Special Educational Needs and Disability was also added.

Health Care Assessments and Plans

In January 2024, information in relation to allergies was added into Section 4, Health Plans.

Allegations Against Prospective Adopters and in Relation to Children Placed for Adoption or Already Adopted

In January 2024, this chapter was amended in line with revised Keeping Children Safe in Education. A new Section 2, The Difference Between an Allegation and a Concern was also added.

Young Carers

This chapter was revised in January 2024.

Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Child Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery

This chapter was updated in January 2024. Information in relation to the National Age Assessment Board was added into Section 4, Assessment.

Services from Children's Social Care

In January 2024, this link was updated.